In Celebration of MHS Class of 1958

In Celebration of MHS Class of 1958

A Tribute and Celebration

We were the class of 1958, members of the Greatest Generation as well as children of the Greatest Generation. Born in 1940, we are also called members of the Traditional Generation.

Our childhood, post World War II, "was the best of times . . . it was the age of wisdom . . . it was the epoch of belief . . .it was the season of Light . . . it was the spring of hope . . . we had everything before us . . .we were all going direct to Heaven . . . ." (A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens.) At least, that's the way I felt about it. We were truly blessed.

- Ouida Tomlinson -

This blog is a place for 1958 graduates of Meridian, Mississippi, High School to stay in touch, post their news, items of interest and photographs.

CLASS OF 1958 MEMORIES (Click to read all posts relating to sports, honors, graduation and other memories of our class in 1957-58.)




Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Donations for Reunion Planners' Gifts

Our 65th Class Reunion was memorable in a myriad of ways! The group was large, classmates/attendees were in good form (thanks to our Lord), the reunion arrangements were stellar and all were determined to gather again - SOON! The gifts we presented to our loyal committee members reaped an overage of donations, allowing the class to present to Meridian Children’s Museum $150.00! The donation has been sent to the museum with acknowledgment of Meridian High School Class of 1958 - 65th Reunion - May 2023. Please inform our class of the donation via the blog, Facebook and other social means used by the class. Thank you for your efforts. Jinny Curran Walz

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