Charlotte Alexander (Hunt)
Joyce Bailey (Hinton Rider)
Bradford Baker
Marjorie Barham (Sims)
Phyllis Beckmann (Ainsworth)
Jackye Bergemeyer (Brooks)
David Bonner
Martha Ann Boswell Burdick
Lemann Bounds
Patsy D. Bradley
Joyce Bragg (Giles)
Shirley Broadhead (Hamilton)
Richard A. Brown, MD
Dr. Walter Robert "Bob" Brown
Jimmy Bruner
Oliver Buntin
Willie Ray Bunyard
James Butts
Minnie Helen Calvert
Ryan Camp
Jean Chandler (White)
Rebecca Chism (Berta)
Sylvia Ann Clark (White)
Everett Clayton
Thomas Eugene "Jack" Crawford, Sr.
Roy Crampton
Buddy Croxdale
Gloria Jean Cunningham
Pat Currie
Arlene Davidson (Merson)
Leonard Davis
Jana Kay Glasser (Dalton)
Alice Faye Dewitt (Ulfers)
Patsy Vernell Dorman
Jackie Eddins (Pickard)
Billy Faulkner
Jeanette Ferguson (Noe)
Carolyn Fisher
Bobby Fleming
Lix J. Fruge', Jr.
Carolyn Gipson Falcon
Margie Faye Godwin (Robinson)
Jimmy Gossett
Paul Graves
Sandra Hodge (Jones)Louis Anthony "Tony" Holt
Amelia Eugenia Hood (Roach)
Dorothy Hood (Adams)
Phillip W. "Billy" Horn
James Ray Hopkins
Guy Howard
Richard House
James T. "Jim" Hurley Jr.
James "Richard" Huffmaster, Sr.
Albert Ray Keller
Mary Jane Kelly (Heisterkamp)
Mary Alice Keyes (Skelton)
Delores Lott
Judy McKellar (Thomas)
Charles (Stuff) Edward McCraney
Tommy McMullan
Harrell Glenmore "Glen" McQuage, Jr.
Charles Maggard
Ann May (Watts Crowe)
Jimmy Mayatt
Frances Mayerhoff (Askew)
Jo Ann Mills (White)
Sandra Mitchell (Huffmaster)
Rita Monette (Tillman)
Donald Briggs Murray
William David Owen
Mac Parker
Nona Parker (Rhodes)
Mary Virginia Pettey (Moore)
Thomas Willard Pool, Jr.
Neill Pope
Sue Powell (Gough)
Mary Price (Robertson)
Sandra Pulliam
Terry Rainey
Ina Claire Randall (Manney)
Gay Love Rawlings (Elliott)
Arlene Richardson (Miles)
Raymond Roberts
Mona Robinson
Carey Ann Sanford (Dalton)
Peggy Louise Sellers (Rayzor)
Clyde Hagan Searcy
Sue Shannon (Martin)
Wand Ruth Sharp (Dixon)
James Minor Smith
Peggy Joyce Smith (King)
Bobby Eugene Shepard
Anne Heard Stallworth McKeown
Elmer Stodard
Tony Michael Storey
Ann Switzer
Robert (Bobby) Temple
Joyce Thompson (Rogers)
Louis Ray Thompson, Jr.
Billy Tidwell
Freddie Tingle
Al Trussell
Paul Walker
James Donald "Pee Wee" Warren
James (Jimmy) T. Watson
Linda Watts (Taylor)
Danny Wedgeworth
Bettie Lou White (Ross)
Mack White
Mary Ann Williams (Wagner)
Carl Weldon
Carole Winslett (Barbara C. Dennis)
(Total number in our graduating class: unverified 325)
We commend our friends to almighty God, and entrust them to their creator. May they rest in the arms of the Lord who formed them from the dust of the earth. May they enjoy the vision of God forever. Amen.