In Celebration of MHS Class of 1958

In Celebration of MHS Class of 1958

A Tribute and Celebration

We were the class of 1958, members of the Greatest Generation as well as children of the Greatest Generation. Born in 1940, we are also called members of the Traditional Generation.

Our childhood, post World War II, "was the best of times . . . it was the age of wisdom . . . it was the epoch of belief . . .it was the season of Light . . . it was the spring of hope . . . we had everything before us . . .we were all going direct to Heaven . . . ." (A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens.) At least, that's the way I felt about it. We were truly blessed.

- Ouida Tomlinson -

This blog is a place for 1958 graduates of Meridian, Mississippi, High School to stay in touch, post their news, items of interest and photographs.

CLASS OF 1958 MEMORIES (Click to read all posts relating to sports, honors, graduation and other memories of our class in 1957-58.)




Friday, July 10, 2009

United Breaks Guitars

Posted YouTube 7-6-09
Views tonight: 1,627,312

"United Breaks Guitars": Power of the source

By King Kaufman

This isn't exactly a Future of Journalism story except that the Future of Journalism -- and increasingly, the present of it -- appears to be all about the power of the source. Consider a source by the name of Dave Carroll, a Canadian musician who had his prize guitar wrecked by careless United Airlines baggage handlers.

Carroll says that he and his band, Sons of Maxwell, were on their way from their Halifax, Nova Scotia, home to Omaha for a tour last year when they and other passengers saw United employees literally throwing guitars around on the tarmac during a plane change in Chicago.

Carroll later discovered his $3,500 guitar had been badly damaged, he says, and that he spent nine months getting the runaround from United before he was finally told the airline would simply not pay to repair the instrument, even though it had been properly packed and there was no real dispute about who had broken it.

"So I promised the last person to finally say 'no' to compensation," Carroll writes on his Web site, "that I would write and produce three songs about my experience with United Airlines and make videos for each to be viewed online by anyone in the world."

The first of those songs, titled "United Breaks Guitars," went up on YouTube Monday. As of late Wednesday, the goofy video for the mildly catchy number had been viewed more than 255,000 times. That's what you call a hit. Carroll writes that all of the people involved in the recording of the song and the creation of the video volunteered their services.

CBC News and others report that the video quickly got United's attention. "This has struck a chord with us," the Canadian network quoted a United spokesperson saying Tuesday. "We're going to contact him directly." The Los Angeles Times quotes Carroll's wife, Jill, saying that United had gotten in touch, though nothing had been settled.

Picture this incident happening 20 years ago. Carroll would have gone through the same runaround, and then -- what? He might have called a few newspaper or TV reporters in Halifax or Chicago, and he would likely have been told that his broken guitar was a sad story, but hardly news. If he were really lucky a consumer-advocate reporter might have taken up his case and badgered the airline into cutting him a check for the repair cost.

In 2009, though, the CBC reports, Carroll thought to himself, "What would Michael Moore do if he was a singer-songwriter?" Carroll's answer, the first in a three-song trilogy about United's carelessness and horrendous customer service, is indeed news.

And it's not just a curiosity. Carroll might end up having a positive effect on the world around him. The L.A. Times quotes a United spokeswoman saying, "His video is excellent, and we plan to use it internally as a unique learning and training opportunity to ensure that all our customers receive better service."

Power to the source. Welcome to one little corner of the future.

SOURCE: The Future of Journalism


John Chancellor said...

I think this shows the democratization of the world. A few years ago, when a huge company wronged a consumer, the consumer virtually had no voice. Recently there have been countless examples where the consumer now has a very powerful voice.

I think the social unrest in Iran is another example of the power of the individual.

The companies and for that matter governments that think they can ignore individuals are going to be in for a real awakening.

Little Scribe said...

2,169,427 views of this video tonight since 7/6/09. That is power!