In Celebration of MHS Class of 1958

In Celebration of MHS Class of 1958

A Tribute and Celebration

We were the class of 1958, members of the Greatest Generation as well as children of the Greatest Generation. Born in 1940, we are also called members of the Traditional Generation.

Our childhood, post World War II, "was the best of times . . . it was the age of wisdom . . . it was the epoch of belief . . .it was the season of Light . . . it was the spring of hope . . . we had everything before us . . .we were all going direct to Heaven . . . ." (A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens.) At least, that's the way I felt about it. We were truly blessed.

- Ouida Tomlinson -

This blog is a place for 1958 graduates of Meridian, Mississippi, High School to stay in touch, post their news, items of interest and photographs.

CLASS OF 1958 MEMORIES (Click to read all posts relating to sports, honors, graduation and other memories of our class in 1957-58.)




Saturday, February 14, 2009



Here is a painting by cousin Millie Howell from Philadelphia, MS. It is one of 6 of hers that I own that are currently in her retrospective painting exhibition at the Meridian Museum of Art through March 7. Most are rather large, at least 3' x 4'. Click on the URL below to see many others in her show, if interested. I took the photos quickly at the reception, and are not "dead on" as they should be, but you can see what wonderful work she has done. She is a colorist, and a painter's painter. These are abstract expressiionist paintings in acrylic. Millie is in one of the photos in a red jacket giving her gallery talk. Another shows her husband Boots, son John, and daughter-in-law Diana. They are standing in front of 2 of her paintings that I own. I really like the one on the right called FAT CATS, showing 2 cats on a table eating fish and lobsters. The painting on the left is her son John as a thespian, which he is. That painting reminds me greatly of one of Picasso's earlier paintings.

Copy and paste the above URL to see Millie's show.

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